桑寄生蓮子蛋茶 | 中式甜品食譜 | Sang Ji Sheng Lotus Seed and Egg Sweet Soup


份量:  2人
雞蛋 4隻
片糖 適量 
桑寄生 100克 
蓮子 50克 
紅棗 20克
Egg 4pc
Cane sugar
Chinese taxillus twig 100g
Lotus seeds 50g
Red dates 20g


1. 將蓮子及紅棗浸洗;雞蛋烚熟去殼。Soak the lotus seeds and red dates. Boil and shell the eggs. 
2. 將桑寄生洗淨瀝乾,放入魚袋。 Rinse and drain the sang ji sheng. Transfer to a fish bag. 
3. 煮滾一鍋水,加入桑寄生、紅棗及蓮子 用中火煮1小時 Bring a pot of water to boil. Add Sang ji sheng, red dates, lotus seeds and cook for 1 hour on medium heat. 
4. 取出桑寄生,加入片糖及雞蛋,煮至片糖溶化,即成。 Remove the sang ji sheng. Add cane sugar and eggs. Cook until the cane sugar melted and ready to serve. 

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